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Hiring the best isn't easy, we make it easier

The Talent War started with the internet revolution in the 00s. In 2024, it's more intense than ever. Talent is scarce, specially the best one.

2 months off in yearly plans

Starter Plan


per month, onboarded personally

Starter includes the following:

Up to 3 live job openings

Invite unlimited team members

24/7 customer support by Pablo

Alvaro is your assigned Success Engineer
Try it yourself

Enterprise Plan

Custom quote

Test with a 3-week pilot, improve with yearly plans

Includes everything in Starter, plus:

Unlimited live job openings

People analytics and interview training modules

Import your candidate data in minutes

Included headhunting services
Talk to the founders

So, what tool is best for your hiring team?

    Reasons a competitor might be better for you (for now...)

  • Multi-posting is essential to you, no matter how much you spend

  • You need 100+ integrations to manage your workflow

  • You want an AI avatar doing your job entirely

  • You want to message candidates all day long

    Reasons to choose Clous over other great tools

  • You can start right away, no implementation hustles

  • You care about candidate experience, a lot

  • You prefer using one tool than 20 with integrations

  • You believe every piece of data should be used

Savings Calculator

$0.00 in savings

This is an estimation and does not determine your potential savings accurately.
Reach out to our team to know the potential savings tailored to your needs.

Built with the help of 30+ hiring professionals

Company 1 helped Clous
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Company 3 helped Clous
Company 4 helped Clous
Company 5 helped Clous
Company 6 helped Clous
Company 7 helped Clous
Company 8 helped Clous
Company 9 helped Clous
Company 10 helped Clous
Company 11 helped Clous
Company 1 helped Clous
Company 2 helped Clous
Company 3 helped Clous
Company 4 helped Clous
Company 5 helped Clous
Company 6 helped Clous
Company 7 helped Clous
Company 8 helped Clous
Company 9 helped Clous
Company 10 helped Clous
Company 11 helped Clous

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Featured resources

You can read all our resources for more knowledge.

As much help as you need

Need help with your hiring task or topic? Our guides and resources provide quick answers to common questions, these guides are made for you.

Quickstart your prompting

If this is your first time using GenAI, you might not know where to start. We made it easy for you, so you can start hiring right away.

Editorial for people leaders

A random mix of resources about hiring and Clous. From comparing other ATS, to HR articles and updates on our journey.

Let us know if there's any resource that could be useful to you.

Questions to ask

  • Yes, Clous offers customers a trial experience before making a purchase. Initially, we schedule a call to show you the platform's features and create your account live. During this call, we will define product ideas and functionalities that could benefit you and implement these within a week. You can then test Clous for a week, providing feedback for improvements. After this period, you can invite your team to collaborate and explore the platform's features for an additional two weeks. This ensures you fully experience Clous' capabilities before committing to a subscription.

  • We use Stripe as our online payment provider, which facilitates card payments, link payments (links where you confirm you are paying), and Apple Pay for our users.We also offer international bank transfers, but you need to speak to the team so we can give you our bank details.

  • Our pricing is clear and transparent, so you won't get hit with any surprise fees. We don't charge based on how many users you have or how many job openings you post. Our pricing is simple, giving you a clear idea of what you're paying for. We know it's important to have predictable costs, so we set a pricing plan in an easy way to understand. Whether you're checking out our free plan or thinking about going premium, you'll get all the info you need. And if you have any questions, just hit up our team and we'll sort it out for you in no time.

  • For sure! You can meet Clous team. We value personal connections and are open to scheduling meetings to discuss our product and how it can fit your needs and how it can be implemented in your daily work. You can contact us by leaving your email address here.

  • Hiring intelligence at Clous is the application of AI and advanced data analytics to transform the recruitment process. It improves algorithms to recommend the best-fit candidates from existing data, automates scheduling interviews, and matches candidates to suitable positions even if they don't fit the original job opening. Our platform analyzes a long amount of data to provide insights, helping recruiters make data-driven decisions quickly and efficiently. This ensures an improved, efficient, and effective hiring process while connecting businesses with the best talent available.

  • Our software is designed to make it easy to hire talent, it allows you to create and post job offers in just 3 clicks. Also, we use AI but without compromising candidate experience. ClousH speeds up from looking at candidate data and building a talent pipeline, to scheduling interviews. It's like having a recruitment assistant. With Clous you get a one hub for tracking and managing all your candidate info, so you always know what's going on in your hiring process. You can easily share your data and documents with your team, making your hiring process collaborative. It's perfect for making sure you're getting the right people on your team.

  • Our software is designed to work like a variety of tools you already use, like Calendly, ChatGPT, and LinkedIn. This means no more jumping between different apps, it combines these features to never mess up your workflow. We might be implementing new integrations as you demand them. But it will never be our main focus. Clous simplifies your workflow by bringing all your favorite tools together in one place. It allows for an easy transition and lets your team use familiar functionalities without any hassle.

  • Clous and Peer are our AI assistants for hiring teams and candidates, respectively. For talent looking for job opportunities, Peer allows them to find opportunities that match their needs. For hiring teams, Clous allows them to quickly and easily post and edit job openings based on their specific requirements. Peer is designed to improve the overall hiring experience by providing resume insights, personalized career paths and recommendations on job opportunities.

  • Yes, importing candidates is quick and efficient, taking approximately 5 minutes for every 200 candidates. Once imported, our system automatically generates insights based on the available information, like resumes and career priorities. These insights can help you make informed decisions about candidate suitability and improve your recruitment process.

  • No, we don't train our AI with your data for several reasons. First, the cost of doing so would be very high. Second, we lack the expertise to effectively train AI with external data. Third, the current design of our product wouldn't see substantial improvement from this approach. Finally, many of our users prefer not to have their data used in this way. Therefore, we have chosen not to incorporate user data into our AI training process.

  • Keeping your data safe is our top priority. We make sure your info stays private and secure. We follow the best standards out there, with strict access control and encryption tech that keeps your data locked up tight. All these security measures work together to give your personal data the best protection possible. We're dedicated to data security, going beyond just following the rules. We're always on the lookout for any possible issues and fixing them before they become a problem.